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About Maria

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My Story

I am a Clinically Trained Registered Nutritional Therapist. I studied for three years at the renowned College of Naturopathic Medicine (CNM) in London and graduated with a Level 6 Diploma (Degree equivalent) in Naturopathic Nutritional Therapy.


With you, and based on your history and symptoms, I take a science based approach to identify and support nutritional and biomedical imbalances, offering personalised programmes and functional testing to help you achieve optimal health and wellbeing.


I can facilitate and interpret a number of different functional tests to assist in identifying the potential basis for any imbalances – or to explore any concerns you may have about future health challenges.


So why did I become a Nutritional Therapist?

I have suffered with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) since my twenties. I was aware that what I ate and how busy my life was were somehow triggers, but finding solutions was a bit hit and miss. I got caught up in an ever revolving circle of trial and error and contradictory advice and although I knew that somethings made it better – I just did not know why.

I also met similar hurdles as I hit peri menopause. By this point I was determined to understand what was happening to my body and why – I could not escape this phase of my life but I knew there must be a way to improve what I thought was beyond my control.

I had loved science at school and returning to the world of Biochemistry and Nutrition was exciting, especially as it started to connect the dots for me.

Having this knowledge made me passionate about helping and supporting others to identify how they can understand and take control of their own health journey – Understanding the why gives us choices – and together we can figure out the how.

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